Sub-Fields of Anthropology:
1. Biological Anthropology – can demonstrate: how populations vary (biological variations; hair color, blood type, etc.) that past populations have evolved that modern human populations are evolving and changing through time.
Biological/Physical Anthropology:
Foundations in 1900’s – recognition of variation, concern over how species came to be.
Major research areas:
Paleoanthropology – anthropology concerned with fossil hominids; study of human evolution.
Primatology – belonging to same taxonomic order as humans; study of living primates; study of nonhuman primates.
Human Variation – to describe and explain biological differences between various human populations.
Biological study areas and specializations:
Molecular anthropology
Osteology (study of skeletons)
Forensic anthropology
2. Archaeology – the study of the human past through material remains found in the present.
Don’t do dinosaurs, few do pyramids, and fewer do space aliens.
Basic Premise of Archeology:
Material remains studied were created and deposited in the past, but are studied in the present.
Surviving archaeological record is typically a pale reflection of what actually happened in the past.
Prehistoric Archeology:
99% of human history is unrecorded before present historic archeology studies.
Archeology today:
Trash in landfills is usually a good representation of the state of the economy (poor economy = less trash).
August 24, 2012
Applied Anthropology:
Work for non-academic clients, such as government agencies, community groups, and businesses.
All four sub-disciplines
Cultural, Linguistic, Physical (Biological), Archaeology
August 27, 2012
Research Ethics:
Informed Consent:
Especially when performed on human subjects
Medical research means the subject must be protected and aware of test
What is study about? What will happen with the data?
Who is sponsoring the research? Who can you