Law suits of patents has been for along time one of the major factors of protecting rights of inventors and innovators in the world, through that rightful act a lot of companies were said to have abused that right to their benefit, in which it affected the consumers, competing companies and up coming inventors and innovators, those acts both discouraged some skilled workers and innovators.
This report will discuss the thought of abuse of patents by major companies and the repercussions of these actions on the workers, inventors, innovators and consumers. It will show some proposed solutions to the way patents are being given the rights to them on who and for how long it is given, also the consequences of either staying the same or acting on these solutions, on the workers, inventors and consumers.
Apple is a well known manufacturing company for technological and electronic equipment that has been working for a long time in which they faced a lot of troubles along the way through lack of innovations that ended from the time they invented the iPod on Nov 10 2001 after that the company started by inventing a new operating system and new technologies like the iPhone and the first ever portable touch screen tablet known as iPad. Samsung is also a well-known electronic manufacturing company of all kinds from air conditions and refrigerators to televisions, computers and mobile phones.
In 2011 a lawsuit filed by apple against Samsung to the north California court on the basis of design patent infringement was made and both went to court they case was ruled in favor of apple by granting $1.05 billion and at September 25 2012 they were granted an additional $707 million (RAMANATHAN, 2012). Even though the lawsuit filed in Korea was lost to Samsung.
Figure 1: The appearance of the iPhone as shown.
Patent lawsuits are one of the most difficult issues to thoroughly investigate and discuss because of the normal present nature of