Sociological Imagination is to think yourself away from the familiar routines of everyday life, and look at them from an entirely new perspective. Looking outside the box.
Someone with a sociological imagination might view a homeless person as a person who has had hard times. They might ask questions as to what brought them to homelessness. Did they lose their job? Did they abuse drugs or alcohol? What are the circumstances that brought them to be homeless. Someone who does not have a sociological imagination would not be able to see outside of their “norm” and would more than likely make statements to the effect of get a job, it is their choice to be in the situation they are. They would have no empathy for someone who is homeless or want to know the circumstances that brought someone to become homeless.
I feel like a legislator that has sociological imagination would propose policies the help combat homelessness. Research or have people research what are the leading causing of homelessness and try to make polices that would help minimize homelessness. For example, if you look at a single mom who is struggling to work, pay bills, pay daycare so she can work and maintain rent or a mortgage, a legislator that looks outside the box would look into policies that would help the single mom maybe in creating a policy where the income guideline to get daycare assistance goes up so that she could get daycare assistance or look into policies to help with more energy assistance which would help her with the cost of utilities. Also they would look into ways to create more affordable housing as this county is in desperate need of affordable housing. A legislator who does not have a sociological imagination or chooses to not look outside the box would not look at ways to help create policies to help the single mom be able to maintain her household. They would look into polices to develop housing and not necessarily