1. Problem definition: Design a program that will allow a user to Input a list of your family members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas.…
Assignment Question 1: Read the scenario below and then analyze what is wrong with the hypothesis given.…
The United States has several laws that are intended to further fair, balanced, and competitive business practices. Do you think that such laws are effective? If so, why? If not, why not? Be sure to provide evidence to support your position one way or the other.…
Architecture begins with geometry. Since earliest times, architects have relied on mathematical principles. From the pyramids in Egypt to the new World Trade Center tower in New York City, great architecture uses the same essential building blocks as your body and all living things.…
Architecture: Architecture is the art of designing and making buildings.The Greeks architecture is a very detailed and influential type of design and which was based off of the…
My stage-craft courses taught me how to bring my imagination to life on the sets of our school plays. My position on the yearbook staff allowed me to master Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. And lastly, the hours I have spent serving homeless, disabled, elderly, and sick people in my community have opened my eyes to the countless opportunities for growth within the environment that our population inhabits. The job of an architect can be more than one of aesthetics; an architect can assist in public concerns. By understanding the power that an architect has, I want to design hospitals that better patient experience and healing, schools that feed the creativity of students, and homes that improve happiness and…
Lake’s assertion that religious conflict in early Stuart England being the result of a pursuit of traditional conformity by the Puritans holds true to a large extent. It should not, however, go as far as to proclaim that there was no ‘rise of Arminianism’ as there was indeed an ostensible influx of Arminianism during the reign of Charles I. Arminianism did burgeoned under the policies of Charles I and innovations William Laud took with the Church. However, with or without the antagonistic ideological differences of Arminianism and Calvinism, there was always the constant seeking of reforms by the Puritans for a more traditional Church, to move as far away from Catholicism as possible. The introduction of Arminianism merely ‘created a politically…
In evaluating the Heritage Assessment Tool (HAT) two things became immediately obvious. First, the questions provided a fair outline and structure for identifying factors of culture, religion, tradition and environment and how they may influence the subject family’s approach to health maintenance and health restoration. And second, that the medical professional using the HAT must be aware of and sensitive to the scrutinizing nature of the questions and what defensive and evasive responses they may invoke. While conducting these family interviews, I noticed even when asking the questions of my own family that they were not immune to this scrutiny affect. As such, when interviewing the other two families, I was very attentive to them and avoided inducing a defensive and/or evasive response by allowing them to be conversive, telling me of fond memories of family members, memorable events and childhood experiences that had nothing to do with the HAT assessment. This made the interview considerably longer, but the answers acquired were much more in depth and accurately provided without any need to minimize or avoid.…
Blindness can manifest itself in many ways. Disputably the most damaging form of this condition may be the figurative blindness of one’s own situation and ignorance towards the feeling of others. In Raymond carver’s short story “cathedral,” the narrator’s emotional and psychological blindness is immediately apparent. The many issues faced by the narrator as well as the turn-around experienced at the culmination of the tale are the main idea for the theme of this story and these ideas aid the narrator in eventually collapse to character transformation by simply regarding the literal blind man in a positive way.…
The United States consumes more than 25% of the world’s petroleum products which is a large percentage, considering only 3% of the world’s oil reserves are produced by the United States. Given the demand for petroleum products such as gasoline, understanding why Crude oil prices have skyrocketed in recent years, is not hard. According to the article “Ending America’s Oil Addiction,” the surge in crude oil prices can be reduced in large part to the simple concepts of supply and demand. (Cooper, 2008)…
Fear is often synonymous with prejudice. Fear of what we don't understand can make it appear as something other than what it actually is. We fear the dark because we don't know what's in it. Our own imagination creates dangers and terrors. It makes us see, hear and feel things that do not exist, when, in reality, the darkness holds nothing but empty air. In Raymond Carver's short story “Cathedral”, the main character is confronted with one of his fears. Namely the fear of those who are different from him. His fear and unease of conversing with a blind man are unravelled and, in the end, thrown away to be replaced by a dawning realization that there is nothing to be afraid of.…
The main theme shown in The Giver is the idea that good cannot exist without evil, and evil cannot exist without good, thus making reaching a perfect society impossible. It does not matter how amazing an experience is, unless you have something bad to compare it with you can never taste the true meaning of that moment. The members of Jonas’s community cannot appreciate the joys in their lives because they have never felt sadness. Correspondingly, they also do not feel grief because they have never appreciated the true wonders of life. Throughout the novel, Lois Lowry uses multiple literary devices to conjure these thoughts into the readers mind.…
Isn’t making love is generally thought of as a magical thing shared between two people? Those two people are sharing a bond in which to express their affection towards each other. When making love, one doesn’t think of the chances harming themselves, however, in that enchanting exchange of adoration, there can be a horrific consequence if one fails to be cautious. It can result in sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases can kill any person who is sexually active. One needs to know that there is a possibility of receiving an STD. There are chances in which they can be cured but for some, it isn’t an option. An alternative may be to slow it down, but it will remain inside of you gradually weakening the immune system. It is all caused from sexual activity with one that previously acquires a sexually transmitted disease. An STD is vastly transmittable, but 100% avoidable. Sexual intercourse may seem entirely harmless, however the escalating number of those with sexually transmitted diseases confirm that what may appear to be safe can be exactly the opposite.…
So much of what life brings to us in this problematic and unpredictable world seems to result in a trade-off when we attempt to keep everything in line with our best laid plans, demonstrating an axiom which in the sifting process of the development of things, proves to be more like a hard and fast rule: “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too‘! Just for fun, picture this hypothetical set of circumstances as an illustration. Consider the upwardly mobile, successful young man who can finally afford the sporty roadster that would make him the envy of his peers, but then, he realizes that because of his success, he has reached the position that he can now marry the love of his life, who has plainly expressed her desire for a large family, sending the flashy two-seater into obsolescence. He’ll have to wait until they can be a his-and-her-car family. The most obvious trade-off in this situation, among quite a few, is in the later date set for the wedding day, not now, but how much later, if at all, if he’s lucky and she’s willing to wait. Hold…
To be an interior designer has always been a dream for me. It has been a major part of my life since I was a little girl till present. Interior design has not been a hobby for me, it has been a way of life; not a day goes by where I don’t draw a space, dissect the layout of a place, or even watch something about interior design. One of the reasons why I love interior design is that It allows the designer's creativity to flourish; with it I use my creativity to produce interesting designs and unique layouts. One of my advantages is that in my first semester of college I took architecture courses, gaining knowledge of how a building/structure is designed and laid out. Taking these architecture courses introduced me to computer programs like…