1st draft
Adolescence, faced as a teenager, is a period of mental instability, wandering, and especially high interests on the opposite sex. Some argue that teenage dating is merely an activity which will negatively affect academic effort and achievements, thus it is not beneficial. However, teenage dating is not something that can be discouraged. In other words, teenage dating has to be perceived as a natural step within the adolescence period; although we cannot force teenage dating, it should definitely not be discouraged. Numerous Korean parents oppose teenage dating, in concern of its possible disturbance upon academic achievement. They simply believe it will somehow negatively affect academic scores, rather than acknowledging it as a natural process within adolescence, and growing as a social being. However there are no significant proof of the correlation between dating and academic scores; and growing into a social being is more than accomplishing academic demands, entering a famous university, or getting employed by a major company. It requires socializing with others, especially with the opposite sex; teenage dating can help this progress. By spending great amounts of time of deep communication while dating, teenagers will be able to learn how to interact and respect the opposite sex as well; and this ability to communicate and respect the opposite sex is extremely important in growing into a social being. Thus teenage dating is clearly not something to be discouraged or negatively viewed. Let us consider that teenage dating is actually harmful to teenagers; then will discouraging stop this phenomenon? No. Teenage dating derived from increased interest towards the opposite sex during adolescence is an extremely natural process that should be respected as a method of relieving stress. For example, in the case of Gyeonggi Academy of Foreign Languages(GAFL), dating is prohibited, and penalty points and other severe