This audience profile is required as part of the week one assignment. Answer the questions below to create a thorough profile for your primary audience, Jeff Clarke, and your secondary audience, Human Resources.
1. Is my primary audience external or internal? I guess both
2. What are some key demographics about my audience, such as age, gender, family situation, etc.? Really, it doesn’t states age, but family situation yes, and yes for gender(male)
3. How much does my audience know about the topic? Enough, I guess to inform about this topic issue.
How much formality does my audience prefer? I enough to understand what the topic issue is about. And how is going to be the end result.
4. How do I expect my audience to react to this message? To get a clear message about what this is all about. (The Problem)
5. What are my audience’s values in relation to this message? What do they care about most? I guess to understand that there are situation we face in life that we cannot explain why it happen all of a sudden. But we have to reasonable, to those circumstances and be human about it can happen to anyone.
6. What do I want my audience to think, do, feel, or believe after reading my message? Be helpful and understandable in all situations, because really it can happen to anyone without even expecting it.
7. Are there any benefits for my audiences that are related to this message? I guess to all of us in some way or another.
8. What information do I need to include for the secondary audience? Everything that I gathers or have has for evidence is to be included in this secondary audience.
9. Which medium is most appropriate for this message and this audience? Why? Really, I believe all of them are most appropriate to better understand the message I wrote and for them to understand each point I tend to