The hospitality management program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA) since 1994.
The mission of the program is to prepare students for professional careers in hospitality management by providing theory-based instruction and practical experience.
The program provides students with a broad liberal education, an understanding of business administration (business minor), a solid foundation of professional courses in hotel foodservice, event management, and hands-on experience in the hospitality industry. Students complete three internships for a total of 900 hours of industry experience prior to graduation.
Students apply concepts learned in the classroom to actual work situations. Foodservice experiences are provided by K-State Housing and Dining Services, with other foodservice and lodging experiences completed with hospitality organizations locally or regionally. The senior internship experience may be national or international in location. Students gain valuable experience in these operations under the supervision of managers and faculty supervisors. An international experience as part of K-State’s Study Abroad Program or in industry-related work experience is highly encouraged.
The hospitality management program prepares students for managerial careers in all facets of the hospitality industry including restaurants, hotels, resorts, convention and visitors bureaus, tourism, meeting planning organizations and much more.
Bachelor’s degree requirements
General Requirements (45-46 credit hours)
Communications (11–12 credit hours)
COMM 105 - Public Speaking IA Credits: (2) or COMM 106 - Public Speaking I Credits: (3)
ENGL 100 - Expository Writing I Credits: (3)
ENGL 200 - Expository Writing II Credits: (3)
ENGL 417 - Written Communication for the Workplace Credits: (3)
Quantitative Studies (6 credit hours)
MATH 100 - College Algebra Credits: (3)