The Baroque era was from 1600-1770. The style from this period took techniques from the Renaissance era and added drama and emotion. Another style artists added was the range of light, accenting a focus point.…
The social conditions that contributed to the Baroque period began with the rebirth of people, the Catholic Church had overcome the Protestant rising. There was new life and new water brought in to Rome and other major cities. We made discoveries that had shown us that the Earth was not the center of the universe like we had previously thought, also the…
Roughly around the 1600s to 1750s, the Baroque period came to life bringing heightened nature, and more personal and emotional expression to art. It originated in Italy and spread out like a plaque throughout Europe, the Americas, and Spain. Everything from art to literature and even music was more theatrical and was given more emotions. Catholicism was generally being reflected off of the Baroque arts. Dramatic religious paintings were being made…
During the period of the Baroque musical style (1600-1750), emotions ran high, literally. This was a time for expression of emotions through musical performances called operas. Operas were made popular in Italy in 1600 and employed many theatre elements such as music, acting, poetry, and costumes. Operas, in all simplicity, were dramas set to music. The Baroque was defined by sudden shifts in dynamic, homophonic musical texture, emphasis on beats, and unity of rhythms. Both performances, “Tu Se Morta” by L’Orfeo and “Dido’s Lament” by Henry Purcell, display distinctive qualities of this time period and serve as excellent examples of technique.…
Baroque music is defined as “that in which the harmony is confused, charged with modulations and dissonances, the melody is harsh and little natural, the intonation difficult, and the movement constrained” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau). To me, baroque music is highly eccentric and decorative; extremely difficult and concise, yet beautiful all at the same time.…
Music has developed a lot over the years. Classical music has evolved in a more gradual manner with a number of smaller revolutionary steps along the way. In the 9th to 14th centuries the development of music was documented in a physical form. This was where music could now be communicated efficiently, and succeeding generations would know something about the music of their ancestors. There where demands of the church that required a musical notation, and so the earliest written music was largely in Church music called Hymns. The plainsong of this time was still singlehanded, but that’s when the new developments were starting to appear.…
The Baroque was an era of great changes in religion, politics, science, and economics. The Baroque Era began with the Counter-Reformation and ended with two types of revolutions, political and industrial, that changed the world. The baroque was also a period of scientific innovation led by the discoveries of Descartes and Galileo. Science was no longer based on Greek ideals or religious dogma, but on reason and empirical laws.…
The Baroque Era lasted from 1600 to 1750. It incorporated bold, powerful statements and the music was written for specific instruments, which was different from the Renaissance Era up to 1600. Also, the Baroque Era developed figured bass (basso continuo) and included improvisation which allowed for contrasting sections. One influential composer during the Baroque Era was J.S Bach. Bach was an involved musician who composed mainly to meet the needs of the positions he held. For example, as a church organist, he wrote works mainly for organ but also harpsichord, as well as cantatas for church, chorales, concertos, and chamber works. His compositions contained ornamentation that was typical in music during the Baroque Era, such as trills and…
In every way Baroque music is like a teen-ager. Ok, maybe not in the pimply-faced-criticize-everything-even-though-you-don't-pay-for-it kind of way we have come to expect from our modern teen-agers. But what is a teen-ager anyway? Simply put; a teen-ager is no longer a child and not yet an adult. It is that awkward in-between stage when all the rules get broken, nothing ever seems to fit, and emotions fluctuate wildly. This is exactly how it was with the Baroque Era of Music.…
The Baroque period is the first to be among the musical pieces that people today are generally familiar with.…
Baroque music highlighted the use of rhythm and melody. Baroque music was written for listening pleasure and the glory of God. It was sacred with universal appeal. The interest was growing in secular music. Opera was a major artistic innovation of the 17th century. It was a play that was sung, not spoken. It had an audience of aristocrats and middle classmen. There was also a new focus on instrumental music and instrumental accompaniment to voices. There was also new emphasis put on chords and the use of BASSO CONTINUO.…
Our modern culture has been influenced by countless things whether it be something from our history or something that happens in our present society. The Baroque Era is one of those things that have influence our culture, not just here in the United States but also in Europe. The Baroque era, which started in Rome;Italy, was an Era in our history that made sure to leave an impact in our society. Due to certain events that happened during the Baroque Era, it has shaped our culture in our Arts, Literature, and also in our Music.…
The Baroque period took place from around the 1600’s to the 1800’s. This is when music was just reaching its peak of success; composers achieved great accomplishments during this time in history. Three of the most famous composers are Antonio Vivaldi, George Frideric Handel, and Johann Sebastian Bach. This type of music opened up composers to create a different kind of sound with more artistic freedom. “...Baroque music...was filled with complex melodies and…
The term Baroque means an irregularly shaped complex form. It came from the irregularly shaped pearl meaning unnatural and strange. This is completely different, from a description of the music of the time. Musical styles greatly different from artistic styles of the time making it virtually impossible to draw parallels between the two. Instead, one needs to draw independent conclusions about Baroque music.…
The Passion of Jesus Christ is such a compelling truth that has drawn many of the great composers of history to attempt doing it justice through music. George Fredric Handel, from England, is recognised as a great composer of the Baroque era (1600-1750). He composed the magnificent oratorio the “Messiah”. This took him 260 manuscripts and just 24 days to complete and it became a legendary piece in the history of music. An oratorio is basically a large musical composition including an orchestra, a choir, and soloists. It is similar to an opera although operas tend to be about secular issues whereas oratorios deal with sacred topics making it appropriate for performances in the church. Oratorios are also not dramatized, and there is very little or no dialogue to join the music the way operas do.…