The Cold War was the tense relationship between the United States (and its allies) and the Soviet Union (USSR, and its allies) between the end of World War II and the demise of the Soviet Union; i.e. the years 1945-1991. This war was unlike other wars in that two sides never clashed directly in battle.
2. Why did the Soviet Union want to have a buffer zone between itself and Western Europe?
The Soviet Union wanted to have a buffer zone between itself because they wanted to protect themselves, the wider territory you have between you and some unfriendly countries or their military alliances- the better.
3. What is NATO? Why was it formed?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance that was formed after World War II, originally as a counter to the USSR and its satellite countries in Eastern Europe, who were members of Warsaw Pact.
4. What did Prime Minister King mean when he said, “It is vital to the defence of freedom to maintain… military strength on the side of freedom?”
King was saying free and democratic countries need to defend themselves against communism. His comments were made at the start of the Cold War after visiting Europe. He realized the way to defend against communism was to be unified with other countries with this common goal. This effectively was what the Cold War was all about.
5. Explain the importance of Canada’s geographic position in the Cold War?
Proximity to Europe by waters, to US by terrain and to USSR by air.
6. Suggest a reason why the NATO alliance expanded and gained new members while the Warsaw Pact remained the same.
The NATO alliances had a greater expansion rate due to the security and success rate.
7. Do you agree that Canada should have joined NATO? Explain why or why not.
I agree that it was a good call to join NATO because it meant they would get air, ground, and sea protection.
8. What commitments did Canada make as member of NATO?