This paper will examine several Scriptural passages from both Old and New Testaments with respect to their teachings about the role of generosity. It aims to discuss and analysis the biblical perspective of generosity on its source and its challenges for the today's Christian society. It will be argued that a common theme in all of the passages is a concern with generosity as a Christian virtue.
This paper does not envelop critical evaluation because of the limitation of resources and the limitation of the paper requirement. This paper will explain the basic biblical ideas concerning God's Generosity and how it implies to human daily lives.
Talking about "Generosity" in today context would be basically picturing about a person who give lots of money. Generosity is often closely related with Charity or almsgiving and contribution. Today we live in a very needy world and society which demand generosity at its full extant.
The term Generosity is defined in various ways in different dictionaries:
1. Willing to give and share unstintingly
2. Liberal in giving or sharing; munificence
3. Characterized by nobility and forbearance in thought or behavior; magnanimous
4. The trait of being willing to give your money or time
5. Acting generously (syn: unselfishness)
6. archaic : highborn
7. a : characterized by a noble or forbearing spirit : magnanimous, kindly b : liberal in giving : openhanded c : marked by abundance or ample proportions : copious synonym see LIBERAL
The root meaning of the term Generosity is as follows:
1. From French genereux, of noble birth, magnanimous, the quality of being noble; noble-mindedness.
2. From Latin gener sus, from genus, gener-, birth
I. The Biblical view of Generosity
a. God The Generous Giver
It all being's from God. God is the greatest example of