Ans: Electricity is the movement of electrons. As long as electrons in an atom are balance and revolve precisely in orbit around their sun or atom nucleus there is no electron flow or electric current in a wire. These atoms are the smallest particle into which an element can be divided without losing its property. A single atom consists of three basic components: a Proton, a Neutron and an Electron. An atom is similar to a small solar system, so is the nucleus in the centre of an atom. Protons and neutrons are contained within the nucleus. Electrons orbit around the nucleus which could be similar to planets orbiting around the sun. As an electrician I will also be dealing with insulators. An insulator is any material that stops the flow of electrons examples are rubber, glass and plastic. Conductors are the opposite of and insulator they are material that easily allows electrons to flow, like cooper, gold and silver. A material that has high resistance has low conductivity, this means that it doesn’t conduct current easily; likewise a material that has high resistance has high conductivity. Resistance is measured in units called Ohms. There are types of electricity, one is static electricity. Static electricity is the charges that are fixed in place unlike electrons in wires with voltages potential with no electron flow. Opposite electrical charges always attract each other, so these particles with opposite charges will tend to move towards each other. Like electrical charges always repel.
2. What part of cables are conductor and insulators.
Ans: The electrons of different types of atoms have different degrees of freedom to move around. With some types of materials, such as metals, the outermost electrons in the atoms are so loosely bound that they wildly move in the space between the atoms of that material by nothing more than the influence of room-temperature heat energy. Because