Course Project (14% + 3% in Total)
1. This project has a value of 14% of the total assessment. In addition, there is a teamwork component worth 3%. The teamwork mark will be based on the online self and peer assessment (see Teamwork Assessment section at the end of this document).
2. This project must be completed in a group of 3 or 4 students. The members of a group come from the same tutorial class. Groups have been alphabetically assigned. Each group is identified by a class number (e.g. Class 2649) and a group number (e.g. Group
2). Please check the spreadsheets in “courseProjectGroups” to see the group you belong to. Each group must select one person to submit the project. Each group should start their project cooperation as soon as practical.
3. Each group must submit one hard copy of the project and one online (soft) copy.
4. The online submission deadline is 11:59pm, Thursday, 5/ June/2014. Each group
MUST submit the online copy to Turnitin on the course Blackboard. A link to the project submission will be available in Week 13. Only one member of the group should make the submission – that person must be nominated on the Group Cover Sheet.
5. Each group MUST also submit a hard copy to your tutor at the beginning of your Week
13 tutorial.
6. For both online and hard-copy submission, the project Cover Sheet must be properly filled, which includes the class number, group number, names and student numbers of the group members.
7. A late-submission penalty of 20% will apply for each 24 hours late. This applies to both the hard copy and the soft copy submissions.
8. For hard-copy submission, DO NOT use plastic sheets or binders. Simply staple the pages together. Do not submit loose-leaf sheets of paper.
9. Each student MUST complete a confidential online self and peer assessment by11.59 pm, Tuesday, 10/June/2014. Details about this teamwork assessment will be announced shortly. No marks will be