Betcha didn’t know that!
Joshua Bilchik
Brookline High School
7 June 2013
Ceramics—with its brilliant colours, innovative designs, and varied forms is among the most enduring and fascinating of the decorative arts. Artistic expression has been hugely prevalent in society since the early man drew paintings on a cave wall. It is ever-present in the world, and its magical lure has impacted societies forever. Nothing ever begins a perfect form, and just as ceramics has evolved over the course of American History, so too, has America’s appreciation of it. Through the ages, ceramics has been the most enduring and important American art form due to the grand effect it has on society.
From its earliest beginnings in the seventeenth century, ceramics development in America was as diverse as the newly arrived settlers from all parts of Europe. Whether English, French or German, these settlers brought with them the techniques and tools of their craft, typical to their native homelands (Levin 13). Widely dispersed among the now emerging colonies, the potter learned to adapt his methods and materials to the conditions imposed on him by the new frontiers. Where in Europe, form and design had been hugely important, in the colonies it became an afterthought, with ceramics serving only functional purposes: brickmaking being a primary example (Ramsey 403). In times of hardship and emerging growth, the ability of potters to create beautiful work was nullified by consumers who were only interested in their own survival. Thus, as early as 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia, there was no semblance of beauty in American ceramic work.
The original works of America: Ovoid wide-mouth jars which functioned as pitchers with the addition of a loop, handle, and spout. These pitchers were in wide use in the early colonies but often to deadly effect. In order to make the porous clay watertight, it was necessary to add glaze to the inside of the piece. Especially in New
Cited: Carlyle, Thomas, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson and Carlyle. Boston: James R. Osgood, 1872. JSTOR. Web. 7 June 2013. Levin, Elaine. The History of American Ceramics: From Pipkins and Bean Pots to Contemporary Forms. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1988. Print. Matthews, Marcia. George Biddle 's Contribution to Federal Art. N.p.: n.p., n.d. JSTOR. Web. 7 June 2013. Mcmillan, Barbara. Tea and Empathy: The Architects ' Tea Service, 1932-1933, and Its American Precedents. N.p.: n.p., n.d. JSTOR. Web. 7 June 2013. Ramsey, L.G.G. The Complete Color Encyclopedia of Antiques. New York: Hawthorn, 1962. Print. Smith, Graham. Notes in the History of Art. N.p.: Ars Brevis Foundation, n.d. JSTOR. Web. 7 June 2013.