Holly Irish
University of Phoenix
Challenges of Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator There are many challenges that one must face when working in the human service field. Mediation and advocacy is two of the many challenges. Both of these jobs require one to be fair and un-bias. Moreover, one must be careful of a dual relationship of any kind. In this paper I will explore my personal opinion on the integration of mediation and advocacy in the human service field and my personal philosophy and approach on how to advocate for an adult client on probation.
Personal opinion
The integration of advocacy within the human service field is very important. I believe in order for one to work in the human service field one must be an advocate for the population or agency they serve. For example, I plan on working with abused women and children in the future. In order for me to help them to the fullest extent I must advocate on their behalf. However, if I come across a situation that goes against my morals and better judgment I will ask for help. Mediation is another important part of the human service field. I believe without mediation most situations will go either unresolved or get out of control. I have seen many cases where people are unable to see the others side of the story. When this happens they are unable to reason with the other side, therefore a win-win outcome is not obtained. However, with a mediator both parties get their cases heard and most of the time a win-win outcome is reached.
Personal philosophy and approach My personal philosophy is that every situation is different and that people deserve to have a second chance. Moreover, that people need help and as a human service worker we are required to help them. I believe not everyone is bad if they are on probation. Sometimes they just go down the wrong road and need help getting back on track.