1. Opera:ons management is the set of ac:vi:es that creates value
in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs.
2. Customer interac:on is oEen high for manufacturing processes,
but low for services.
3. In the past half-‐century, while the number of people employed in
manufacturing in the United States has decreased slightly, the output per
worker has increased significantly.
4. Produc:vity is the total value of all inputs to the transforma:on process
divided by the total value of the outputs produced.
5. Opera:ons management is applicable A) mostly to the service sector B) to services exclusively C) mostly to the manufacturing sector D) to all firms, whether manufacturing or service E) to the manufacturing sector exclusively Answer: D 6. Which is not true regarding differences between goods and services? A) Tangible goods are generally produced and consumed simultaneously; services are not. B) Most goods are common to many customers; services are oEen unique to the final customer. C) Services tend to have a more inconsistent