The opening vignette for Chapter 6 is about the Container Store’s recruiting approach. The company combines an employee referral and customer contact strategy with a focus on retention. Turnover is low and the company does not need to use traditional recruiting often, such as advertisements. This vignette complements the chapter’s overview of recruitment methods used for internal, external and international recruitment. This includes some non-traditional sources of workers, such as temporary employees and employee leasing. Finally, students are given guidance on how to apply for a job.
Additional Features of This Chapter
“Did You Know: Something for Everyone” discusses what members of different generations look for in the job search.
“Diversity and HRM” discusses the importance of assuring that job ads are not discriminatory.
Exhibit 6-1 is a general job advertisement for an HR Generalist-Recruiter. Exhibit 6-2 is a more specific advertisement. A “Workplace Issues” segment provides a listing of EEOC recognized best practices in recruitment and hiring.
The “Technology Corner” provides information on sources of software to help prepare a resume.
Exhibit 6-4 is a sample resume.
Recruitment/Selection examples: Have students share their own experiences with recruitment and selection. Try to place their experiences along a continuum of HR sophistication; e.g., some employers put out a sign, while others may have an elaborate process to attract and screen employees. Discuss the costs, benefits and effectiveness of the different approaches. Discuss student examples of bad hiring decisions and why they may have occurred.
Assign students to research jobs they are interested in on the Internet. They should bring copies of postings that interest them to class where they can share what they’ve found in small groups. Encourage them to compare what