Name: Konstantin Treplyov
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Marital Status: My heart is bound to one.
History: I’ve lead a forlorn and artistic life. Many nights of mine were spent in the parlor or my bedroom slaving over words, reading countless works - struggling, striving for uniqueness. I have lived, and still continue to live under the roof of my mother for I am without much funds and have little to show for my life. Just notebooks with torn pages and ridiculous ideas. Ideas that are easily misunderstood - so misunderstood that sometimes when I come back to reread them, I can barely comprehend! My works though that I feel are worth a damn I’ve tried to transform into pieces that people, all walks of people will praise for its innovative quality. Most of my early audiences were those of my selfish mother’s friends - actors, writers, doctors, all high-society with little appreciation for my work. My work is too early for their time. Nina, oh my wonderful Nina. That is a story within itself. I will come by her side in sickness or in health at the drop of a hat. She is my one, my only, my love. I live for Nina, I will die for Nina. She’s acted in some of my plays, so beautifully on stage. Her jaunty glimmering green eyes always lifting up my darkened heart. She is an angel that I am bound to, and would much rather have my life be taken than to go through a lifetime without her.
Educational Level: Having gone through many agonizing years of schooling, the only useful knowledge I took away was the use of words on paper. Adjectives, adverbs, nouns, propositions, all the basic literary devices that I now use in my writings. As for my creativity, I have always been one with a spark - perhaps inherited by my mother, though I dare not make her credible for me.
Economic / Social Status: Though I am the offspring of an acclaimed actress, a socialite of high society, one would never tell because of her miserly