1. What arguments could Brad make to support his position that he was an employee?
First argument is Brad worked for long period from 1981 – 2003 at Lay-Z-Guy. If he was an independent contractor, he would have been hired for a specific project or period (Filsinger, 2013, p.80). However, his contract was a series of one – year agreements which is more likely indefinite basis instead of indicating certain contract period or project title. Another argument is Lay-Z-Guy set prices, territory, and promotional methods which are very important factors to perform and maintain Brad’s work. Brad worked under the company’s operation control rather than having autonomy which is more likely employee – employer relationship.
2. What arguments could Lay-Z-Guy make to support its position that Brad was an independent contractor?
First argument is Brad and the company had a written contract which was clearly stated the relationship as an “independent marketing consultant”. Second argument is “Brad paid for his own office