Advertising is:
A form of communication for marketing
To persuade an audience to take some new course of action
Promotional form of discourse
Advertising is both:
Cultural- relies on and influences the cultural values within a society
Economic- supports a consumer capitalist society and supports the media industry
The Story of Stuff (video example)
Discusses the fetishization of goods and the failure of awareness surrounding the system of creation to consumption (the golden arrow) to disposal
Part of Consumer Culture Advertising is deeply woven into contemporary culture. The division between culture and advertisements is blurred. Our culture is advertising, we live in a consumer culture. Advertisements of the time are an interesting way to look back at the culture conditions of a time in history (ex. ad's from the 50's accurately portray the sexist conditions in which women were subject to)
"In the last 100 years advertising has developed from announcements of shopkeepers and the persuasive arts of a few marginal dealers into a major part of capitalist business organization" -Williams
According to Raymond Williams Modern Advertising is MAGIC
We don't buy goods because of the "inherent use value"
Goods often solve human needs rather than material problems such as happiness, fun, love, health
Modern Consumer Culture
There has been a radical shift in society- values and beliefs (Strasser)
Time is valuable
Separation of labour and leisure, where leisure is the goal of modern living
Fashion a obsolescence
Modern Consumption
Convenience: time is money; products, food and services are made to be quick and convenient
Obsolescence: goods are made to expire or "go out of style" quickly to increase consumption
The consumer is a modern construct (Strasser)
Social Construct, not "Natural
There is a separation of production and consumption in capitalist society private vs. public realm work vs. home