This essay will question what contemporary relevance both theories have today as society is becoming increasingly secularized and highlight some criticisms that have been noted by other sociologists including a “widespread feeling...contemporary social theory stands in need of a radical revision” , adding to this I will be identifying similarities and contrasting concepts within both theories. Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto and Capital in the late 19th century and Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism in the early 20th century, this was during the time of industrialization and urbanization where both sociologists saw society as moving in a direction that was unsuitable for the masses and generating undesirable
This essay will question what contemporary relevance both theories have today as society is becoming increasingly secularized and highlight some criticisms that have been noted by other sociologists including a “widespread feeling...contemporary social theory stands in need of a radical revision” , adding to this I will be identifying similarities and contrasting concepts within both theories. Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto and Capital in the late 19th century and Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism in the early 20th century, this was during the time of industrialization and urbanization where both sociologists saw society as moving in a direction that was unsuitable for the masses and generating undesirable