The first option would allow President Truman to end the war peacefully, and it would have also allowed the Japanese to withdraw from the war without shame to their leader and save the thousands of Japanese individuals by not making the United States have to make the choice of dropping the atomic bombs. This option would have let Truman show that “We as Americans have not sunk to the level of our enemies” “We should end the war now in a manner that reflects the value we place on the sanctity of human life and the dignity of the individual”. The author gives Truman a second option and this option approaches the war in the Pacific with a demonstration of the atomic bomb in efforts to force the Japanese to surrender without condition. This includes the uprising of the Manhattan Project which gave the United States the “weapon of almost inconceivable power” with the scare tactics of the demonstration this gives the Japanese leaders an idea of what would…
President Truman’s decision of the atomic bombing has undeniably made a huge impact to world’s history events. Throughout decades, many individuals’ have encountered diverse explanations as to why it was necessary for the dropping of the atomic bomb. While others believe it was essential, some may think that it caused an enormous catastrophe, murdering millions of innocent civilians and produced a generation with an atrocious radiation poison. Years has passed by and it continues to be the utmost talked about event. The atomic bombing that took place in Japan can be argued that it was the greatest decision made by president Truman. There are majority of different schools of thought behind President Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombing. Readings that have been encountered can conclude that President Truman’s decision was a great one. This event prevented future fatalities amongst the Japanese as well as the Americans, ended the world war II, and it was the only option handed to Truman.…
In addition, Bergamini returns to several of Butow’s traditional arguments to prove his claims. Agreeing with Butow’s statement that the use of the bomb would leave Japan “practically powerless”, Bergamini writes that the atomic bomb lead to Emperor Hirohito’s decision to surrender. Returning to Butow’s claims Bergamini expands the traditionalist perspective by examining the influence that the atomic bomb had on emperor Hirohito’s decision to terminate the war. Providing evidence to his claims, Bergamini writes that while Hirohito believed that Japan could continue the war until the fall of 1945. He affirms the traditional opinion that the atomic bomb motivated the surrender by quoting Hirohito’s remarks to General MacArthur. Citing Hirohito’s statement that the atomic bomb “gave Japan an excuse to surrender”, the author offers historians with an additional account to consider for what motivated Japan’s surrender. Bergamini’s statements advance the traditionalist view of Japan’s motive to surrender by demonstrating Hirohito’s power in starting the war with the United States. Leaving historians to consider the influence of the emperor, the author shows how the atomic bomb moved Hirohito to…
The decision to drop two atomic bombs on Japan in August of 1945 was made by a complex group of technological, political and military influences. History has it that the bombs were dropped in order to save American lives by avoiding the invasion of Japanese homelands, at least, that was what President Truman told the American public at the time. “For years, this simple view has been challenged by a seemingly more sophisticated academic perspective that the bombs were wrongfully used against innocent civilians, did not genuinely factor into the surrender of Japan, and would have better served the war effort as part of a diplomatic “carrot and stick” package.” (Beason 1). Some argue that the first bomb may have been required to achieve Japanese surrender, but the second one was a needless act of barbarism. According to Admiral William D. Leahy, the President’s Chief of Staff, “The use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war over Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender…” (Beason 1). However, I have many facts to counteract all of these criticisms and to support President Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb.…
The Crucible is a 1952 play by the American playwright Arthur Miller. It is a dramatization of the Salem witch trials that took place in the Province of Massachusetts Bay during 1692 and 1693. Miller wrote the play as a narrative to McCarthyism, when the US government blacklisted accused communists. The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings before county court trials to prosecute people accused of witchcraft in the counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Middlesex in colonial Massachusetts, between February 1692 and May 1693. Even though The Crucible is based on the Salem witch trials, they have differences such as, the relationship between John Proctor and Abigail Williams, and the towns’ relationship with the Putnam’s.…
When talking about WW2 and Japan, something that comes to mind often is the atomic bomb. Some people say it was a good thing, as it ended one of the worst war in history. however, some say that it was wrong to drop a bomb of a country that was on the verge of surrender. Proof of this statement, this essay will tell you.…
This paper will discuss and analyze the requirements for search and arrest warrants based with regard to probable cause. I will post a recent news regarding probable cause and will discuss exceptions to warrant requirements.…
The character Don Anselmo, from “The Gentlemen of Rio en Medio,” is a lot alike the character Mrs. Higgins, from “All the Years of Her Life.” But first let’s look at their differences.…
This paper will identify the political influences that contributed to President Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. The reason this topic is important is because the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan during World War II has had a lasting impact on U.S. foreign policy. The information on the political influences affecting Truman’s decision will be from Truman by David McCullough; Code-Name Downfall by Thomas B. Allen and Norman Polmar; America’s Rise to World Power by Foster Rhea Dulles, and The Atomic Bomb and American Foreign Policy by Barton J. Bernstein, “Nuclear Non-Proliferation” by Lawrence Scheinman, “The Atomic Bomb” by Campbell Craig and Sergey Radchenko and Prompt and Utter Destruction by Samuel J. Walker.…
Although they are two totally different battles, the Normandy Landings and the Battle of Gettysburg have many similarities and differences. The Normandy Landings are also referred to what most people recognize today as D-Day. It took place on June 6, 1944 and was an allied invasion on the coast of Normandy. The Battle of Gettysburg took place a little over eighty years before D-Day. It was a significant battle during the Civil War. The battle was fought July 1-3, 1863 in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.…
In 1947, the United States was put in a difficult position. While the Japanese emperor did not want to lose his position, or lose honor, they could either fight until the last man stands or find another way. With the creation of an atomic bomb becoming more and more feasible, with the help of Mr. Einstein, it seemed like a great idea. But, there were many things they didn’t think about when they jumped to the idea of dropping the bomb; some were Japan’s surrender and the future of the civilians. The bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima was not necessary.…
One day a LA Times journalist named Steve Lopez was looking for a story. He ends up going to the park, where he finds this homeless man playing on his violin and it sounding remarkable. He starts talking to him and wants to do a story on this homeless man, named Nathaniel Ayers. In the movie “The Soloist,” as Steve starts finding more about Nathaniel, and Nathaniel finds out more about Steve, they unexpectedly become friends. Nathaniel helps out Steve by giving topics to write about and Steve helps Nathaniel by putting him back on the right path. Steve and Nathaniel are similar and different in so many ways. Some ways are passion, lifestyle, and loyalty.…
Many similarities exist between the two fables, The three little pigs, and Goldilocks and the three bears. Goldilocks and the three bears, teaches children to respect other people’s privacy and their property. Where, the fable of the three little pigs, teaches children to plan properly before seeking pleasure. After reading these fables, a person will see there are moral lessons to learn, symbolism in the number three, lost lives, lost property, and damaged property.…
One of the most controversial issues of World War II is the debate on whether or not the United States should have used an atomic bomb against the Japanese. People who tend to oppose the use of the atomic bomb tend to ignore, or are ignorant, of the history of Japan during World War II. One factor to consider is the treatment of prisoners of war and civilians in countries that Japan had conquered. Another aspect was the “never surrender” mentality of the Japanese military in the territories they controlled during World War II. The final point is the estimated number of casualties for both sides. Due to these factors, the U.S. should have dropped the bomb on Japan to save lives on both sides.…
The thesis states the petition made on July 4, 1945, to the president of the United States drafted by author Leo Szilard and cosigned by scientist of the atomic bomb committee to consider the consequences of using the atomic bomb. The organization and structure of the writing brings a strong message about the devastation an atomic bomb would do to any city in the hands of our Army, but ultimately by our Commander and Chief who has the power to use it (Szilard).…