Compare two studies of day-care
There are two main studies showing the effect of day-care on attachment, cognitive and social development. Belksy and Rovine (USA 1988) investigated the effects of non-maternal care on attachment types whereas Andersson (1992) investigated whether day-care has a significant effect on the cognitive and social development of middle-class children. A strength of these studies is that both of them are likely to have accurate results due to their large samples; Belksy and Rovine 90 male and 59 female; Andersson 119 children and this is a similarity between the two. However a strong difference comes from the results Andersson’s study shows a beneficial effect of day-care on the social and cognitive development of middle-class children whereas Belksy and Rovine showed a negative effect with 47% of the infants showing insecure attachment when spending more than 20 hours in day-care a week. A large similarity between these two studies would be that neither can be generalised to other cultures due to the ethnocentrism of the samples, in Andersson’s study it is noted that Sweden have a very high developed social welfare system and other cultures may be different (USA showed different results). Also Belksy and Rovine’s study couldn’t be generalised for similar reasons as it was carried out in the USA on US citizens and other cultures welfare system may be entirely different. A final similarity between the two is that both of these studies have confounding variables that may have affected the results/findings; in Andersson’s study the wealthiest children showed better results therefore the background of the child may have been an effecting variable, in Belksy and Rovine’s study, whether or not the infant is used to experiencing new places and environments may have effected how much the strange situation affected the child.