Final Exam
This is an open book and open notes exam. You may use whatever materials you feel necessary. I strongly recommend that you refer to the text and Lecture Notes that you read. There are a total of sixty (60) points available on this exam.
Multiple Choice
1) Which of the following is least likely to be used as a skill-based certification method?
a. tests
b. college degree
c. peer review
d. on-the-job demonstration
2) An inappropriate way to assess the acceptability of a job evaluation plan and its resulting job structure is __________________.
a. examine the number of formal appeals
b. examine the number of requests for reanalysis
c. conduct employee attitude surveys
d. examine the number of job offers not accepted
3) Teaching raters what constitutes good, average and poor performance is
____________ training.
a. performance-standard
b. rater-error
c. performance-dimension
d. Six-Sigma
4) In which form of pay structure do employees earn more as they learn more?
a. breadth-focused skill-based
b. depth-focused skill-based
c. job-based
d. both breadth- and depth-focused skill-based
5) Which of the following types of labor would most likely be recruited only locally?
a. office and clerical workers
b. scientists
c. managers
d. executives
6) All of the following except ________ are benefits under Social Security.
a. lump-sum death payments
b. medical expenses for work-related injuries
c. benefits for dependents of retired workers
d. benefits for surviving family members of deceased workers
7) Calculations of pay level include all except _________.
a. value of stock options
b. benefits
c. bonuses
d. health care
8) Which of the following is an advantage when the organization pay policy is to lead?
a. Ease of attracting prospective employees.
b. Better-quality employees.
c. Reduced turnover and absenteeism.
d. All of the above.
9) An organization's pay compared to its competitors