If you have all ready made the decision to grow your own fruit and vegetables you are one step closer to living more sustainably. So, what better way to aid this than create your own compost pile. You can make it as simple or complex as you please – all you really need is to combine the right materials and let nature do the rest. However there are a few different ways to make your compost more nutrient rich and more efficient.
What is composting?
Composting is a natural process where organic materials decompose and are turned into a rich soil. It is also a form of recycling as you are essentially returning nutrients back into the soil.
Getting started
The easiest way to make your own compost bin is by making a four foot wide circular cage using chicken wire and a piece of untreated wood to secure it into the ground and keep it more rigid. It may also be worth adding some twigs at the bottom to aid drainage. Covering the top of the pile with anything from wood to a plastic bin bag is not essential but will help to retain heat and moisture and also prevent it from getting saturated in the rain. Alternatively most local councils offer plastic composting bins if you wanted to keep it neater and more controlled.
What can I add to my compost pile?
. Vegetable and fruit leftovers
. Egg shells
. Shredded paper
. Coffee grounds / Tea leaves
. Untreated grass clippings
. Weeds
. Whole or chopped leaves
. Manure from grazing animals.
What not to add to your compost pile
. Meat / Fish
. Herbicide treated vegetation
. Manure from domestic animals (cats / dogs)
Composting is extremely low maintenance especially considering the results you can achieve. You will need to keep a balance of moisture for optimum results, however this can be easily altered by either watering the pile or adding more of the drier materials.
Finished Product
Once you have your