A. Could be the same as global concept.
B. 4 Concepts 1. Person- and individual, community or family. 2. Health- state of wellbeing. 3. Environment – physical environment. 4. Nursing All are abstract. Paradigms = conceptual model
2. Theories – suggest a direction in how to view facts and events. A. Must contain a. Context - Environment nursing act takes place in. b. Content – Subject of Theory. c. Process – method that nursing uses in theory. B. Approaches to theory d. Synthesis e. Deviation f. analysis
3. Concepts – describes phenomena. Ideas and their names, mental image of a phenomena, an idea of construct in mind about a thing or action. A. Concepts need to be clearly defined structure and function.
B. Nursing conceptualizations are the same as theory.
C. There are two kinds of concepts 1. Empirical – observed through senses. Ex. Stethoscopes. 2. Abstract – not observable through senses. Ex. Caring. D. There are different levels of theories 1. Micro – Narrow phenomena a. Ready to wear – easily applicable to research and practice.
b. Situational theory – a specific nursing phenomenon, reflects clinical practice and is limited to specific populations or specific fields of practice.
c. Grand theory – covers broad areas of concern with in a discipline. Macro Atomistic 2. Macro – broad scope b. Grand theory
3. Midrange – total concern but not the totality of discipline. Narrower than the grand theory. Limited number of concepts and propositions that are concrete and specific, more applicable to practice. a. Descriptive b. Predictive c. Explanatory 4. Atomistic- narrow phenomena 5. Wholistic – broad scope
4. Statements – the results of expressing a relationship among concepts.
A. Must be formed explanations or predictions can be made, can occur.
1. Relational –