Conflict refers to some form of friction, disagreement or discord arising within a group when the beliefs or actions of one of more members of the group are either resisted by or unacceptable to one or more members of another group.
In the film Paradise Road, the Japanese soldiers are cruel to women in the concentration camp. Between Dutch and English there is conflict between the nationalities. The Allies and the Axis countries are in conflict due to the second world war.
When the Japanese bomb a ship on its way to England, the women jump into the sea and they are taken to Indonesia. In the prisoner of war camp the women act differently to when they were free, wealthy and happy in Singapore.
It is the women with strength of character that succeed in remaining loyal to the while others fall victim to the temptation of comforts supplied by the Japanese.
A satellite issue comes when the Dutch and English women have a conflict because of their nationalities. When an English woman is looking her soap, she suspects a Dutch woman of stealing it, resulting in an argument and fight. This is because they want to keep anything personal in a camp where there is nothing that belongs solely to one person.
Somebody eventually finds the soap on the ground and when the English woman picks it up, the argument ceases. She realises how foolish her accusations were. The women unite, leaving their petty discrepancies behind.
After Adrienne forms a choir the women practise regularly and sometimes the English give advice to the Dutch, they cease disliking each other and begin to get along well.
They form a common bond, leaving historical differences behind, working towards protecting each other from the new enemy, the Japanese.
Adrienne continues her work with the choir even though many disagree as they have been forbidden to do so and it may cause harm or further deprivations for the women.