Department of Accounting OPERATIONS and Information systems
Accounting 523 Section X50 winter 2013
Midterm Exam
Last Name
First Name
I.D. Number
1. Read these instructions carefully.
2. You must hand in this exam booklet before leaving the exam.
3. To answer the multiple choice questions, circle the letter of your answer. To change your answer, stroke through the old answer and circle the new response. You may write in a new letter if necessary, and then circle it.
4. Answers for the long form questions are to be recorded in pen or pencil in the pages provided. If you need extra pages use those provided at the end of the exam booklet.
5. This is a closed-book exam. You may use a calculator. If you have a programmable calculator you must clear the memory and be prepared to show the proctor that it is cleared, at any time during the exam.
6. Check that you have a complete exam (a total of 18 pages, including this one).
7. You will have 80 minutes to write the exam. There are a total of 70 marks available. If you finish early you may (as quietly as possible) leave the exam.
8. Carefully read the question and its requirements in their entirety before answering.
9. Clearly show and label all calculations to facilitate the awarding of marks. Explicitly state any special assumptions that you make in answering a question.
Question 1 (total: 16 marks) Multiple-choice Questions (2 marks each, unless otherwise noted)
Choose the best answer for the question from among the choices provided.
1. Cost accounting differs from financial accounting in that cost accounting is:
a) Primarily concerned with income determination
b) Relied on for analyzing and implementing internal decisions
c) Focused only on qualitative information
d) Primarily concerned with external reporting
e) None of the above
2. The following costs relate to