use the following list to help you evaluate. Answer the questions as appropriate, and then rank each of the 5 parts from 1 to 10 (1= unreliable, 10=excellent). Add up the scores to give you an idea of whether you should use the resource (and weather your teacher would want you to!).
Currency: the timeliness of the information …………………………………. ____
When was the information published or posted? ________________________
Has the information been revised or updated?____________________________
Is the information current or out-of-date for you topic?_______________________
Are the links functional?_____________________________________________
Relevance: the importance of the information for your needs…………………….. _____
Does the information relate to your topic or answer your question?_____________
Who is the intended audience? _______________________________________
Is the information at an appropriate level?________________________________
Have you looked at a variety of sources before choosing this one?_____________
Would you be comfortable using this source for a research paper?_____________
Authority: the source of the information ……………………………………………._____
Who is the author/ publisher/ source/ sponsor?___________________________
Are the author’s credentials or organizational given?_______________________
What are the author’s credentials or organizational given?___________________
What are the author’s qualifications to write on the topic?____________________
Is there contact information, such as a publisher or e-mail address?____________
Does the URL reveal anything about the author or source?___________________
Accuracy: the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the content..……………._____
Where does the information come from?_________________________________
Is the information supported by evidence?________________________________
Has the information been reviewed or