After the collapse of the roman empire
The fall of western rome (400-500) & Rise of christianity (600-1400)
-following a series of dictatorships
-withdrawal of community involvement in polis
-muslim and christianity emerge as threats to power
christianity emerged as a threat to the polis introduced a belief system that said god is more important than the state
Islam and Christianity a threat?
Power greater than the polis - a spiritual monopoly
Fit somewhat with the groundwork laid by the Stoics.
Middle Ages (600-900)
Agrarian Societies…
Throughout europe:
-communal living
-survival of all
-threat to community livelihood=restorative justice dealt with deviance through restorative justice killing someone in your community was not an option because you needed them to keep things going. it was focused on survival and fulfillment of needs. =
Feudalism (900-1500s)
A king is in charge who has divine right of god
Upper Middle Ages
1300's: church and secular struggle for power
Expansion of townships more attractive lifestyle burghers: live in cities merchants, traders, beggars
Material Wealth instead of being tied to the land, theres a possibility that if i go to the city i can make bread because i am good at it and sell it. moving into a different income bracket that wasn't initially thought of.
Magna Charta 1215
-foundation of english constitution and parliament. up until this point you didn't have individual rights as citizens for things such as the state going after you without due cause.
An attempt to take the power away from the judge. he is supposed to preside to watch over the process but a jury decides. it an attempt to diffuse the power over the state.
Foundation of: (most imp are 38, 39, 40)
English Constitution and Parliament
1642 English Civil War
Individual Rights
Prosecution without cause
WIthout delay
Evidence (witness)
"separating" power