FOCUS: analysing the artwork with a focus on the cultural and structural frame.
Analysing an artwork through the lens of a cultural frame reveals how the conditions of place and time, and the values and beliefs of a society are reflected in the artwork.
To adopt the lens of the cultural frame, ask yourself:
What is the purpose of the artwork?
Why does it look the way it does?
What values and beliefs of society are embodied in the artwork?
What conditions of place and time does the artwork reflect?
Structural frame (looking at artwork with different frames you have different focus)
Analysing an artwork through the lens of the structural frame reveals how meanings are communicated in the artwork through a language of signs and symbols (visual codes)
What ideas and meaning are communicated?
What are the visual communications and signs?
What do these visual codes represent?
How are choices about colours textures, shapes, technologies, materials, location, techniques, etc. used to communicate meanings?
Post-modern Frame
Analysing an artwork through lens of a postmodern frame reveals how the conventions of art and manstream values and beliefs of society are challenged.
How does the artist’s choice of visual qualities, techniques and technologies evident in the artwork challenge conventions of art?
Is the audience challenged by the artwork?
What strategies does the artist employ to challenge conventions of art and the way the audience engages with the artwork?
How are ideas mainstream values and beliefs of histories and idea challenged
Does the artwork address issues of contemporary world?
How is this work relevant today?
How are new meanings challenged?
Subjective frames
Analysing an artwork through the lens of a subjective frame reveals how personal ideas and feelings are challenged?
An introduction (paragraph) for the essay questions: analyses how artworks represent culture.
An artwork is created to not only communicate it