Hardy and Yeats belong to the upper classes; however, D. H. Lawrence is a working class poet and novelist. Both Hardy and D.H. Lawrence write outstanding novels and they are famous in both of the literary forms. Hardy depicts nature in terms of pessimism like William Butler Yeats and D.H. Lawrence portrays pessimism through the sexuality that stands for the blood for himself. In Freudian psychology, the snake symbolizes the male sexual power. However, in D.H. Lawrence’s poem entitled “Snake”, the animal stands for the innate glory of wild beings and the vulgarity as a whole and the pettiness of the human beings is narrated. Secondly the snake in the poem stands for traditional values and it also symbolizes the indecisiveness of the human beings when they are faced with dangerous things. Hardy and Yeats dwell on the human beings but D. H. Lawrence depicts the bestiary in the depiction of animals. In Hardy’s “Last Words to A Dumb Friend”, an elegy to a pet cat is studied. In another poem by him entitled “Snow in the Suburbs”, there is a reference to a black cat. But none of the cats have symbolic meanings. But the animals in D. H. Lawrence’s poems are all symbolic.
First Section:
In the first section a snake comes to the fresh water-trough in front of D. H. Lawrence’s garden in order to drink some water under a dark carob-tree. In the meantime the poet joins the scene with a pitcher and realizes that a snake comes from the earth fissure. Apart from this, the yellow-brown animal attracts his attention when he is sipped throughout the way. At this stage the snake symbolizes power because it is poisonous and can harm anybody similarly in William Butler Yeats’ poem entitled “Sailing to Byzantium”, and “Byzantium” country represents the power but this is power in perfection and civilization but the snake’s power is physically in terms of the philosophy of Darwin. So that the more powerful can get over the one that is weak