Question -1 Solution
a) How many records does this file contain?
b) How many fields are there per record?
c) What are the field names?
First, Last Name, ID, Hours, GrossPay, Withholding, NetPay, PayDate
d) What problem(s) would you encounter if you tried to create a listing by last name?
There are multiple records having the same last name. This is data redundancy e) What other problems do you see?
The NetPay amount is a calculated value and maybe shouldn't be stored.
Question -2 Solution
The five parts of a database system are:
1. Hardware: hardware consists of the phycial devices that make up the system. Examples of hardware include computers, disk drives, and networks
2. Software: software consists of the programs that run on a computer. The software that makes up a database system is the operating system, the DBMS, and application programs and utilities
3. People: the people that use and manage the database system include system administrators, database administrators, database designers, programmers and end users. 4. Procedures: procedures are the rules that govern the use of the database system.
5. Data: data is the raw material stored in the database. It is used to generate information.
The functions of a DBMS are:
1. Data dictionary management: removes structural and data dependency from the system by storing information about data and relationships in a central location.
2. Data storage management: manages the data that is physically stored on the computer disk. 3. Data transformation and presentation: transforms entered data into structures that are stored. Converts logical commands into ones that physically retrieve data.
4. Security management: provides access control for the data allowing only valid users to access the data.
5. Multiuser access control: allows multiple users to access the same data at the same time.
6. Backup and recovery