Describes the significant role Football plays in the small community. It is only the junior premiership but, “The whole town is talking about it, it’s the biggest thing to happen here since the second prize in the South Australian Tidy Town’s Competition ( section B). The glory associated with getting your name in the local “Peninsula Gazette.” p.4 Provides an avenue for acknowledgement: “People who had previously barely acknowledged my existence were now asking intimate questions about my bodily parts.”p.6
*What does this tell you about the town? Is it “hopeless”? (p.3)
We are introduced to the junior football coach: Mr. Robertson, aka “ Arks” who is also the local store owner.
*Explain his nickname? Why does Blacky find so much joy in getting the family to say “asks”? What does this tell you about Blacky’s personality?
Introduction of the football team. Explanation of the term ‘Nungas’ is provided on page 4= “Aboriginal, boys from the mission. We call them Nungas, it’s what they call themselves as well.”
The term ‘Goonyas’ is also explained- p.5
*What is implied by the line” We’re the only town on the peninsula with Nungas in our team”?
And why do they have them?
The colloquial way of Australian slang is given prominence in the opening of the text- colloquial and chatty tone is established.
*Read page 5.The way Aboriginal team members play football tells you about something significant about their approach to life and sport- try to explain this in your own words.
Introduces his great adversary-‘The Thumper’ and we receive more information about Mr. Robertson. The issue of labels is first brought up. p.9.We discover that Gary is preoccupied with being considered a “Gutless Wonder” and being stuck with this label for life.P.9 He has a plan and solution- ‘The Thumper Tackle’.
*Explain the ‘Thumper Tackle’ and what it is designed to do?
CHAPTER 3 PP.11-13
Exploration of the character of Mr. Robertson.