Why does "the sun never sets on the British Empire"?
Because there was always a part of the British Empire that was in sunlight.
What major event affected the British Empire on the 20th century?
After the 2nd World War, Britain was in total bankrupt, they had no money left, because they were completely focused on the war efforts. Britain was depending of the money coming from the colonies.
However, the fact that Britain ended up with very few resources meant that the colonies began to see Britain as no longer being the huge great force it once was.
In 1945, Winston Churchill was voted out of the Parliament. A General Election was held and the winner was Clement Attlee, it has shifted to a Labour government. It was not only a change of Prime Minister but a total change of policy. This has been a serious change in the implication of the foreign policy.
This new government brought a new policy with the colonies.
Clement Attlee brought a policy of “peaceful disengagement”. He wanted to avoid conflict. This engagement removed the British influence from the colonies. Clement Attlee could see “the way the wind was blowing”. There were resurgent movement in the colonies.
In India for example, the peaceful protest that was lead by Gandhi and also the Palestine question, during this period, Palestine was being administered by the British, but has welcomed hundreds thousands of Jewish refugees from the holocaust.
There was also the nationalism movement in Malaysia 1940-1950.
A key event in the decline of the British Empire was the Suez Crisis (1956).
Nasser, the Prime Minister of Egypt has nationalised the Canal to really show Britain that Egypt was quite fine on its own. France and Britain colluded together, which is one of the darkest periods in the british and also in the french history. They also colluded with the State of Israel in order to attack Nasser and the egyptian government. The result of this conflict