Course Code:
BTC 205
Credit Units: 02
Course Objectives:
Aim of this course is to introduce the students to fundamentals of graduate level physics which form the basis of all applied science and engineering
Course Contents:
Module I: Special Theory of Relativity
Michelson-Morley experiment, Importance of negative result, Inertial & non-inertial frames of reference, Einstein’s postulates of Special theory of Relativity, Space-time coordinate system, Relativistic Space Time transformation
(Lorentz transformation equation), Transformation of velocity, Addition of velocities, Length contraction and Time dilation, Mass-energy equivalence (Einstein’s energy mass relation) & Derivation of Variation of mass with velocity, Module II: Wave Mechanics
Wave particle duality, De-Broglie matter waves, phase and group velocity, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, wave function and its physical interpretation, Operators, expectation values. Time dependent & time independent
Schrödinger wave equation for free & bound states, square well potential (rigid wall), Step potential.
Module III: Atomic Physics
Vector atom model, LS and j-j coupling, Zeceman effect (normal & anomalous), Paschen-Bach effect, X-ray spectra and energy level diagram, Moseleys Law, Lasers – Einstein coefficients, conditions for light amplification, population inversion, optical pumping, three level and four level lasers, He-Ne and Ruby laser, Properties and applications of lasers.
Module IV: Solid State Physics
Sommerfield’s free electron theory of metals, Fermi energy, Introduction to periodic potential & Kronig-Penny model (Qualitative) Band Theory of Solids, Semi-conductors: Intrinsics and Extrinsic Semiconductors, photoconductivity and photovotaics, Basic aspects of Superconductivity, Meissner effect.
Learning Outcomes:
Scientific & Computing foundation: Graduates will have an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
References: Waves & oscillation, A. P. French Physics of waves, W. C. Elmore & M. A. Heald Introduction to Electrodynamics, D. J. Griffith Electrodynamics, Gupta, Kumar & Singh Optics, A. K. Ghatak Engineering Physics, Satya Prakash