Selling goods & services
The most way of payment in the internet is by paying through credit card. The business website could be hacked by cyber-hacker and he could steal the credit card numbers of the customers of the business.
How to solve the problem?
The company should make sure that their system is protected and safe from any viruses, so the company must install anti-virus software and do regular update for it to ensure that their system is safe well. Also the company should always make a back-up for its data and never switch off the firewall.
Communication with customers
Sometimes, while employee of the company talks with customer through the email, the customer might have in his/her computer a virus and this virus sent itself to the computer of the company and affected it.
How to solve the problem?
The company should save its data by backing-up it at safe devices. Also it should install anti-virus software the will scan every downloaded file before the employee open it. The company must inform its employees about email attachments from customers or unknown emails and how danger they could be to the company computers.
Promote Products
Some companies promote their products through sending it to customers by email, and this way of promoting is affect to reputation of the company as it is annoying or it considered as not acceptable.
How to solve the problem?
If the company wants to promote its product through sending it to customer by email, it should do it at good way like reducing number of images, never attach weird files or large size files, and the subject of the email should be simple and understandable.
Provide information
Some companies do not have the security in their websites, so it could be hacked by cyber-hacker and he might change or delete the information that will make the company at hard situation. How to solve the problem?
The company should back-up its data, enhance its system to be strong & secure, and make regular