When conducting an experiment with microbial organisms there often is change to the bacteria itself and has gone into mutations therefore causing evolution. In the twentieth century there has been many medical breakthroughs. One of those remarkable breakthroughs was Fleming’s discovery of the antibiotic penicillin. That antibiotic had the ability to fight off bacterial diseases and infections through microbial antibacterial chemicals. Through a couple of years the bacteria grew resistant to the penicillin. That was due to gene mutation such as involving genes, which encodes proteins that are capable of deactivating or exporting the antibiotic (Liu, 2012). Over time the bacteria E. coli became resistant to the antibiotics, and once resistant then the medicine (penicillin) has no effect (Doughari 2012). The purpose of the experiment is to understand the processes by which genes can be inserted into plasmids, also to gain some experience in cloning genes via E. coli, lastly to understand the medicinal and other implications of gene transfer among organisms (Hoot, Wimpee, 2012). To test these purposes you would need to gather petri dishes, ampicillin, calcium chloride, and plasmid pJE202.
My hypothesis is that if E. coli maintains the plasmid pJE202 then colonies will resist ampicillin and be bioluminescent. My predictions with accordance to the variables to this particular lab are as such: that Plate A (no plasmid or ampicillin) will show colonies but no bioluminescence, Plate B (Plasmid DNA but no ampicillin) will show colonies and bioluminescence, Plate C (no plasmid but ampicillin present) will show no colonies and no bioluminescence, and Plate D (Plasmid DNA and ampicillin present) will show colonies and bioluminescence. For the variables in this lab are two, first would be independent and second dependent. The independent variables are plasmid DNA and the ampicillin. The Standardized variables are agar plates. The Dependent variables are