1.0 Definition of psycholinguistics
There several ways to define ‘psycholinguistics’. Consider the following definitions and try to define ‘psycholinguistics’ using your own words.
1. Psycholinguistics or Linguistics of psychology is the study of the psychological and neurological factors that enable humans to acquire, use and understand language.
2. ‘Psycholinguistics is the study of how individuals comprehend, produce, and acquire language.’ Carroll (2004)
3. ‘The study of psycholinguistics is part of the field of cognitive science. Cognitive science reflects insights of psychology, linguistics, and, to a lesser extent, fields such as artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and philosophy.’ Carroll (2004)
4. ‘Psycholinguistics is the study of psychological processes involved in language. Psychologists study understanding, producing and remembering, and concerned with listening, reading, speaking, writing and memory for language. They are also interested in how we acquire language, and the way in which it interacts with other psychological systems.’ Harley (2008)
1.2 The nature of human language
Before discussing the nature of human language let us define language. Some features in the definition will help us to understand the nature of language. At the simplest level ‘language’ is a system of symbols and rules that enable use to communicate. Linguists also describe language as having sounds of the language, or meaning of words, or grammar rules to arrange the words. Linguists have assigned words to describe the processes involved in language studies. These words are introduced and brief definitions provided in the table below: * Semantics: the study of meaning * Syntax: the rules of word order of a language * Morphology: the study of words and word formation * Pragmatics: the study of language use * Phonetics: the study of how sounds are used in