Before anyone called it eLearning, in late 1997, learning guru Elliott Masie said, “Online learningis the use of network technology to design, deliver,select,administer, and extend learning.” In 1998, written, “eLearning is learning on Internet Time, the convergence of learning and networks. eLearning is a vision of what corporate training can become. eLearning is to traditional training as eBusiness is to business as usual.” In 1999, Cisco told us, “eLearning is Internet-enabled learning. Components can include content delivery in multiple formats, management of the learning experience, and a networked community of learners, content developers and experts.” e-Learning is learning with a computer where you learn in a learning environment, connected with your teacher with a learning environment. Mostly an e-Learning course is a self study course. For those who have yet to experience the e-learning revolution, there is a treasure trove of rich benefits and exciting advances just waiting to be
References: Cross.Jay, (2004). An informal history of eLearning The.Oxbridge.Research.Group.Ltd (2013). The Pros and Cons of E- learning and Education Technology • Kineo, (2014). The benefits of e-learning. Available online at [accessed 16 March 2014] • Webanywhere, (2013) • Ferriman, J., (2013). 7 awesome advantages of e-learning. Available at [accessed 16 March 2014] Advantages and Disadvantages of eLearning online