Information technology through the ages has undergone many changes and become a part of human’s life. Consequently, a lot of innovations have appeared over the last two centuries. The invention of computers is one of the greatest humankind's inventions. Nowadays, People cannot exist without computer, further PCs are required in any companies, industries and businesses in order to increase the quality of productive profits, to store its data and make different kinds of operations. It is very difficult to imagine life without computers in office or workplace. The following report gives information about modernization of environment, improvements in a security system, hardware and installed software which will be used in the Mega Cinema. These tools will make the purchasing system of e-ticket more suitable to both consumers and also employees.
1.0 Introduction
As the representatives of the group Invaders, we have researched the improvement of ticket reservation and have described equipment of special MegaCinema card system. However, we also included online reservation and improvement of MegaCinema’s website.
Owing to our system, every person can get easy access for obtaining information about movies, and moreover, can reserve the tickets from any part of city by using Internet services.
At the same time, our report includes the innovation of security system that gives easier way to control the entering to the cinema. The system of observation was also involved to the security service. In order to this innovation, conflicts and misunderstandings between administration and customers can be escaped.
First of all, our report will show overview of Mega-Planet and the process of new reservation system. The way of creating special ID cards and diagram with all hardware’s will be also involved to the first part. Then, the security system will continue the branch of our data. And, at the end, the conclusion will be given.
2.0 MegaCinema overview