This article is main focus on whether The Stakeholder Approach as a mainstream academic and management literature, is consistent with sustainable world goals and whether the application of The Stakeholder Approach at the level of the management could see sustainable world goals retarded or progressed.
There are two different approaches to formulating the features of the sustainable world, which are reformist approach and Transformational approach. A Reformist approach holds the view that the dominant socio-economic system is sound, and is necessary to continue human development. Under this approach, the challenge that human will face is that to retain the current dominant socio-economic system but to do so in this ways that deal with the ecological and social damages that are currently being experienced. In a word, it is necessary to require a ‘green’ current system and make it more socially. Reformism is intend to seek stable and consistent global GDP growth, which is supported by continuation of the globalization and free-trade agenda, to solve the problems of poverty and promote overall human wellbeing. It should concentrate on the technological advance to improve resource utilize efficiency and reduce the polluting production and consumption processes.
On the other hand, a Transformational approach take the view that the current dominant economic, social and institutional system is the root of problem of the current unsustainable behaviors and requires transformational change so as to a sustainable world to come true. This model sees human wellbeing as best development through unprejudiced and ecologically sustainable qualitative progress and sufficient consumption, achieved through a perpetual economy. It claims that continued consumptive increase is regarded as both unsustainable and a primary reason of ecological problems and poverty. It believes that the poverty is resolved through