Part A: types of media:
Owned Media: carry communication msgs from the org to net users on owned channels(our site)
Paid media: properties owned by others who are paid to carry promotional msgs (advertising)
Earned media: when individual’s conversations become the channel (WOM)
Media type
The role
Channel a brand controls
Web site, mobile site, blog twitter account
Build for LT RS with existing potential customers and earn media
Comtrol, cost efficiency, longevity, versatility, niche audiences, build B image
No garuntees, company communication not trusted, takes time to scale
Brand pays to leverage channel
Display ads, paid search, sponsorship
Shift from foundation to a catalyst that feeds owned and creates earned media
In demand, immediacy, scale, control
Clutter, declining response rates, poor credibility limited control
When customers become the channel
WOM, Buzz, viral
Listen & respond – earned M is result of well executed & coordinated owned/paid media
Most credible, key role in most sales, transparent and lives on
No control, can be negative, scale, hard to measure
Owned media:
Content marketing: strategy involving creating & publishing content on sites and in social media.
Having content available to inform ,entertain and engage users when seek the company
Companies organising themselves as media publishers online
All owned media is content
Sell digital content on media (music software), accept Google Ad Sense and recive payments when click on ads.
Websites: Marketing public relations (MPR) brand related activities & non paid, 3rd party media coverage to positively influence market.
Adv for using W to publish p/s info: low cost alternative, info updated, can reach new prospects.
Entertain, build communities, communication channel, provide info and assist.