-Mr. Magnesium replaced “r” with “g” in “Mr” and got the abbreviation of his name, Mg.
Kr Krypton
-Kryptonite is Superman’s enemy, so don’t confuse it with krypton the element.
Ca Calcium
-Cali eats calcium
Br Bromine
-Think of your bro when you think of Bromine, for the symbol erase the “o” and you got bromine.
C Carbon
-It’s really simple just think “C is for cookie, but also for Carbon.”
As Arsenic
-Arsenal is weapons, but arsenic is an element, think of As when you think of it and your all set.
Si Silicon
-Silly silicon is something you don’t hear everyday. Take away “lly” and you get Silicon’s symbol.
S Sulfur
-Yucky blucky sulfur smell, think of “S” not an egg.
Li Lithium
-Don’t li when talkin bout the elements, just say the truth.
Hg Mercury
-Mercury don’t wanna be hugged, give it a break and take away “u.”
Ni Nickel
-No one wants to buy a pickle for a nickel including me, but Ni might.
He Helium
-He sells Helium while eating a hot dog.
B Boron
-You might be a moron, but Bohr wasn’t, nor was he bored, but for some reason there’s an element called Boron and its symbol is a “B.”
Co Cobalt
-Corn on the cob is very different from cobalt, so don’t jumble them together, Cobalt is an element symbolized by “Co.”
Au Gold
-What a silly combo, gold doesn’t start with “Au” but I guess things in life don’t make sense all the time.
Na Sodium
-Sodium is n/a for thee question asked but I guess it is “Na” when it comes to the table of elements
H Hydrogen
-Hi, I’m hydrogen when you think of me think of “H” or water.
Be Beryllium
-Be a berry, or a beryllium.
Cl Chlorine
It’s really simple just think of how you’d spell it in second grade than write down the first two letters.
K Potassium
-K, so I’m not a potato, I’m just an element.
Pb Lead
-I’m not below nor above the pencil, I’m inside and my name’s Lead.
O Oxygen
-You breath me in, sometimes your mouth resembles an “o”