HUBLI: If every engineer works with a vision, the country can grow by leaps and bounds, said Trilok Nath Perti, General Manager of the South Western Railway.
Inaugurating a seminar on "Role of railway engineers in nation building," organised by the Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (IPWE), as part of Engineers' Day celebration here on Friday, Mr. Perti said that Sir M. Visvesvaraya as one such engineer with a vision.
He said that Indian engineers have done wonders in the field of technology and have a major role to play in the development of the nation. Railway engineers have contributed a lot in nation building, he said.
"Innovations are bound to come. Laying six lanes with 60 tonne capacity road vehicles, energy through edible oil and similar innovations may materialise in the days to come. Engineers have to have an imagination and should work in that direction till the goal is achieved," he said.
N.V.P.S. Rao, former General Manager, Wheel and Axle Plant, underscored the need for increasing more intercity express trains, by which, he said that the railways could meet 50 to 60 per cent transport needs of the country.
K.J.S. Naidu, Chief Engineer (coordination), SWR, spoke on the contribution made by Sir M.Visvesvaraya.
"Sir M.V. was a statesman, good administrator, principled man and meticulous planner", he said.
S.C. Sood, Chief Mechanical Engineer (Planning), P.S. Bajwa, Chief Electrical Engineer, S. Manohar, Chief Signal and Electrical Engineer, Arun Bagra, Chief Personnel Officer, Harijeevan Alva, Controller of Stores, spoke on the occasion.
S. Balakrishna, Chief Track Engineer, welcomed the gathering. Vipin Kumar, Deputy Chief Engineer (Track) coordinated the seminar and B.P. Sundarrajan, Executive Engineer (Track Supply) proposed a vote of