Sharon Goodman (1996)
She states that we are living in a time of increased in-formalisation. Informal language used to be reserved for close personal relationships but this isn’t the simplicity anymore.
Norman Fairclough agrees and calls it conversationalised language.
David Crystal (2001)
In his book on language and the internet Crystal refers to dialogic e-messaging which refers to immediate communication rather than traditional letters. This has changed the way we write.
In his discussion of chat rooms he distinguishes communication as synchronise and asynchronies.
Donald Mckinnon (2007)
He studied the conscious process of political correctness and believes it is entirely dependent on context. The moral acceptability of calling someone ‘Nigga’ or ‘Queer’ is dependent on whether that person is in or outside the social group.
Likewise there is a revolving cycle of political correctness. In the US, ‘Black’ had replaced ‘Afro-Caribbean’ which replaced ‘Negro’ which replaced ‘Coloured’ which replaced ‘Darky’ which in turn replaced ‘Black’.
Keith Harvey and Celia Shalom (1997)
They believe that linguistically, a problem area in language derives from the fact that there are lots of variations of one word.
For example:
Technical: Used to mean sexual intercourse
Euphemistic: Go to bed or Sleep with
Dysphemistic: Fuck or Shag
The effects of these variations depend on context and can cause controversy.
Jean Aitcheson (1996)
She argues against prescriptivism and states that language shouldn’t be confined by rules and the young people are creative in their language not lazy.
Queen’s English Society
This advocates prescriptivism and aims to defend the precision subtly and marvellous richness of our language.
Jonathan Green in his book ‘Introduction to Slang Dictionary’ advocates descriptivism and presents language change without judgement.
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