1. At substrate concentration, the enzyme is working at “maximum efficiency.” With a concentration at 40, it produced 2,339 products.
2. The maximum velocity of a reaction is reached when the active sites are almost continuously filled. Increased substrate concentration after this point will not increase the rate. The reaction rate increases as substrate concentration is increased. It will soon level off though.
3. When the concentration is at low substrate, most of the enzyme molecules are not filled since there are low concentrations of substrate. As the result, the substrate is filling in the enzyme molecules which cause it to rise in a straight line.
Experiment #2
1. No enzyme activity is present at low temperature. This is because at low temperatures, the enzymes do not function. The only time they will function is at suitable temperatures, or they become denatured.
2. Enzyme activity is present from 10 degrees Celsius and 20 degrees Celsius. This levels off when it reaches around 30 degrees Celsius because the temperatures are becoming too high. When the temperature becomes too high, it becomes denatured.
3. At low temperatures such as 0 degrees Celsius, there is no enzyme activity since there is no energy to promote activity. Yet, there is an increase of activity when the temperatures are from 10-20 degrees Celsius. However, at high temperatures, there is no enzyme activity. The temperatures cannot be too high or too low for activity.
4. At very high and very low temperatures, there are no products produced. This is because there is no energy at low temperature to catalyze activity. Inversely, at high temperatures, the temperatures are too high which cause an enzyme deformity.
5. For this enzyme, the optimum temperature is between 10-20 degrees Celsius. This is where enzyme activity exists.
6. For human temperatures, an optimum temperature is between 35-40 degrees Celsius.
7. Non-enzyme catalyst will not produce products