In this assignment, I will discuss these eight stages of development and how Erikson’s theory is similar to my own life. Furthermore, I will address how defining moments in the first stages influenced my adolescence and identity. The first of Erikson’s eight stages of development is infancy (0 to 12 months). During this stage, the major emphasis is on the mother and father’s nurturing ability, especially in terms of visual contact and touch (Rathus, 2011, p. 10). A child will develop a sense of trust if their parents provide reliability, care and affection. However, a lack of these important factors will lead a child to develop mistrust towards their parents and the world (Harder, 2009, ¶ 8).
The theme continuity-discontinuity can be seen in this stage. According to Bukatko and Daehler (2001), attachment patterns which have been established between the child and his/her parents in the first 12 months, can endure for relatively long periods of time (p. 403). I was born on the 14th of October in 1993, weighing 8 pound 5, 51 centimetres tall. Being the first child, I was given most of my parent’s attention. This consistent nurturing care enabled me to develop basic trust in my parents (Harder, 2009, ¶ 8). My mother recalls me always falling asleep clutching onto my father’s pinkie finger. She thought that the physical touch made me feel safer and helped me to go to sleep quicker. This demonstrates the impact physical touch has on an infant. Most infants develop motor abilities in the same order and at approximately the same age. This is an area