PSY 104 SY1127 Q4: An Essay on Theories of Personality
What model/s of personality theory would you use to give a comprehensive explanation of the person? Gordon Allport defined personality as the dynamic organization with in the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought. Based on the definition it is stated that personality is dynamic meaning it is moving and changing (personality can be learned and changed; it is relatively permanent); organized meaning personality is structured (different models of personality); psychophysical meaning personality involves both the mind and the body; determined meaning personality is structured by the past and predisposing of the future; and characteristic meaning personality is unique for each individual. Based on the definition above, I agreed that our personality is shaped by our past as well as our future. According to Sigmund Freud, childhood experiences play a critical role in personality development. In support with Freud’s view, Jean Piaget perceived that children are like sponges; they absorb everything that was taught to them which in turn, can develop a unique personality. How the parents/caregivers nurtured their child also plays a critical role in personality development. If the caregivers provided attention, love and tenderness to a child, the child will develop a good-mother personification; if the child experienced neglect from his parents, the child will develop a bad-mother personification (Harry Stack Sullivan). In addition to acknowledging the past as a major influence of personality development, Erich Seligmann Fromm stated as one of his basic assumptions that if you want to understand a person, look at his history. On the other hand, Alfred Adler stated on his concept of finalism that behavior is goal-oriented. It means that our present behavior is shaped by our goals in the future. These goals