From the first page, Flannery O’Connor does a great job describing the significant differences between Julian and his mother. Her characterization skills are fulfilled to the max. Julian’s mother comes off as a strong and hard-headed woman who has the mindset that Negros are inferior to whites. “’They were better off when they were [slaves],’ she said…. They should rise but on their own side of the fence.’” Julian’s mother is double-minded and shallow unlike her son Julian. These were thoughts like these that brought among conflict between the two. Julian “…in spite of all her foolish views…was free of prejudice and unafraid to face facts. He was not dominated by his mother. Julian who grew up in a changing society was influenced differently.
Julian is a young, very intelligent, college graduate who plans to be a writer someday. His actions let us know that he does not enjoy being around his mother. “Julian walked with his hands in his pockets, his head down and thrust forward and his eyes glazed with the determination to make himself completely numb during the time he would be sacrificed to her pleasure.” Julian is in constant disagreement with his mother and because he can’t stand her bigotry and ideas, he ignores her physical presence when he’s with her. “Behind the