Examination of Clinical Psychology
Psy 480
January 28, 2013
Dr. Lewis
When a student is entering into psychology, there are many venues he or she will have to look into. Will he or she decide to become a Social Worker, a Psychologist, a Psychiatrist or a Clinical Psychologist? First the student will need to do some research to see what each branch of Psychology has to offer and determine if he or she will have the stamina to be the best at his or her chosen path. If a student chooses to go into Clinical Psychology as their chosen career, he or she will need to look into the history and evolving the nature of Clinical Psychology, then explain the role of research and statistics in Clinical Psychology, finally the student will need to know the differences between Clinical Psychology, and other mental health professions including social work, psychiatry, and school psychology.
History and Evolving Nature of Clinical Psychology
When deciding if Clinical Psychology is the field and profession that a student will choose and follow, he or she will first look into what the history and evolving nature of Clinical Psychology. Looking into the history of Clinical Psychology one will see that Clinical Psychology has been around since the early times beginning in 2500-500 BC (Jones, 2004) until today. In the early years there was a belief that mental illness and any physical illness could be treated by herbs and reasoning (Jones. 2004). The history and evolving of Clinical Psychology began to sharpen into the belief of the body being one, St Thomas Aquinas believed that scientific thinking would and could explain illness of either mental or physical form (Witmer, 1907-1908). Like anything else, there is always a shift of thinking and people who feel there are other ways of looking at something, this was seen with